Road Trip: Day 1

So, writing down my trip experiences has shown to be more difficult than I thought. I have been so exhausted every day and just want to relax instead of sitting in front of the computer. I have some down time at the moment so I thought I would write about what I’ve done so far. I will put each day in different posts to save from having one large post.

On our first day, we embarked on our first destination towards Aspen, Colorado. We (my boyfriend Riley and I) didn’t want to spend an entire day and night driving across the state, so we stayed in Amarillo, Texas as a half-way point, just to be safe. The trip from Austin was flat, very long, and there was a whole lot of nothing, but we made do.

Our main source of entertainment was an app that I downloaded, the license plate game. It is way more fun than it sounds, especially on a long road trip. We were constantly trying to focus and catch up to cars that seemed like they from out of state. I know we missed a few, I swear I saw Illinois, but we still ended up with thirteen the first day, which I think is pretty good! We found Texas, obviously, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida, Kansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas, Nebraska, California, New Mexico, and Colorado.

turbineThroughout the long day, we snapped some nice shots of the great plains. We even drove through the wind capital of the United States, Sweetwater, Texas. There were huge wind turbines for miles which really was pretty cool. Just when you think you’ve seen all of the turbines, many more miles of them pop up in the distance.

We also found happiness during our drive through Happy, Texas. Although there wasn’t really anything there, it was still a cool place to pass through.

Our day finally came to an end after about 8 hours. The weather was way cooler than I expected when I stepped out of the car, forgetting that we were now in the north. We stayed at the Ashmore Inn and Suites, which was lovely. I would definitely recommend it if you need somewhere to stay in Amarillo. I especially loved the king size bed and cozied up right away.

I was very excited to head to Colorado in the morning. I’m going to go ahead and say it’s my favorite vacation spot. There’s nowhere better to be than Aspen, Colorado. Needless to say, it was difficult to fall asleep and I was so tired in the morning, but I was ready for a more exciting adventure.


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