
Here is a little thing about me…

Me 2011

My name is Marriah, but I most often go by Riah.

I’m a girl with a complicated school history who’s finally discovered what she wants to do in life. I was an evolution biology major, but now, I’m a prospective graphic designer.

I am an avid crafter and I absolutely love to let my imagination flourish into something wonderful to share with others. I have felt the need to create something new with my hands from a young age and I always remember getting so antsy from creativity building up in me and I needed a project as an outlet. I owe my imaginative mind to my wonderful family, on both sides. My family is so musically and artistically talented, and thankfully, I have that all packaged into one.Fur Family

I am not only passionate about music and art, but animals as well, and I am the proud owner to a family of pugs!

During one bored summer I opened up an Etsy shop, ModernElm, where I started off with some simple friendship bracelets (that I’m not very proud of!) and eventually started branching off into more complex pieces of jewelry including some fine jewelry pieces as well. After a while some home decor pieces developed in my mind, and I jumped on that idea and added a new section just for those such items.

Even though I may be preoccupied with my shop and school, I of course love to hang out with friends and have fun! I may be a home body a lot of the time, but I love spontaneous trips and new adventures. Discovering new places and traveling is a must for me and I hope to travel the world! (I’ve already been out of the country once to London during my sophomore year of high school!)

Well, that’s me I guess… :)

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